National Chemistry Week
National Chemistry Week (NCW) is a community-based program of the American Chemical Society (ACS). For us, this annual program unites the Central Arkansas ACS local section, area student chapters, businesses, schools, and individuals in communicating the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. NCW occurs annually during the third week of October.
The mission of NCW is to reach the public, particularly elementary and secondary school children, with positive messages about chemistry to:
Make a positive change in the public's impression of chemistry;
Promote a mechanism for effectively mobilizing ACS local sections; and
Motivate the ACS membership through local section activities.
NCW is administered by the ACS Office of Science Outreach which is part of the Education Division. The Committee on Community Activities (CCA) serves as the advisory group for outreach programs, and selects and develops the NCW themes and materials. The Central Arkansas ACS NCW Coordinator is Dr. Henry North. If you or your organization is interested in working with us to hold a NCW event, please contact him at

ACS will celebrate NCW 2020 from October 17-23 with the theme "Fast or Slow...Chemistry Makes It Go!" and the topic of focus being reaction rates. The Central Arkansas ACS local section is hosting an exciting contest to encourage students to join the campaign.
If you or your child are in K-12, please consider entering our NCW Illustrated Poem Contest! The deadline for the poem contest is October 24th.
NCW Resources!
ACS is now encouraging the planning of events and the illustrated poem contest for K-12 audiences, and Teach-Ins for higher education and adult audiences. If you don’t have time to plan events, you can still utilize and share digital educational resources with teachers in need! Check out the:
Help ACS amplify the campaign on social media using the hashtags #NCW, #ChemistryMakesItGo, #ChemistsCatalyzeChange, #NationalChemistryWeek, and #Chemistry. Last but not least, virtual events are being added to Facebook daily so be sure to check out the NCW Facebook page!